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Selecting USB-ethernet or Ethernet Port



I am running a Labview .vi suite on a laptop which has


1. Ethernet port connected to instrumentation via a DSL router 

2. USB-ethernet converter connected to our work network (for accessing internet and sending data).


For reasons regarding our work network I cannot simply connect the work network to the DSL router so require a second port on the laptop.


The labview program communicates with the instrumentation via the ethernet port of the laptop. The labview .vi then spurts out data which needs to be broadcast via the USB-ethernet connection of the laptop to our work ethernet network.


So the communication of ethernet port to instrumentation is isolated from the network.


The problem I am having is that when the .vi runs it cannot connect to the instrumentation via the ethernet port because the USB-ethernet port is connected. When I remove the USB-ethernet port it can connect to the instrumentation via the ethernet port but data cannot be broadcast on the network via the USB-ethernet port.


Is there any way selecting the ethernet port in the .vi as it is impractical to keep removing and replacing the USB-ethernet port at just the right time.





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Message 1 of 4

Hi Daniel,


The first step is to get both ethernet devices recognised correctly, at the same time, in NI MAX. Once you can identify them seperately in MAX you should be able to call them from LabVIEW.


Try adding your USB ethernet device as a seperate device in MAX and see if this helps.


Best Regards,



National Instruments - Tech Support
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Message 2 of 4
Do you have separate subnets for the different nics? In the Windows network properties, you can also set which nic is the primary.
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Message 3 of 4



Yes, they have separate subnet masks. 


I have tried setting each as primary but still no connection in each configuration.


Any ideas please?



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Message 4 of 4