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Set USB 3.0 Camera attributes problems

Hi TKS1965


We cannot see what you tried unless you attach an actual VI (or project folder as a zip).

Also, you better start a new topic because a solution to your problem might be different from a solution for the original poster.




0 Kudos
Message 11 of 16

If you attach the code (best way is to compress the Project Folder (right-click folder, "Send to:", "Compressed (zipped) folder") and attach the resulting .zip file.  Mention the VI we should look at to see where you are trying to reset the Attributes.  I can look at my old (LabVIEW 2016 or 2017, I think) code and see how I tried to do this ...


I should note I'm mostly running LabVIEW 2019, although I have one system with 2021 installed.  So if your Project is using LabVIEW 2022 or 2023, you would need to "Save for Previous Version" and specify something no later than LabVIEW 2021 for me to be able to "see" it and help you.


Bob Schor

0 Kudos
Message 12 of 16

Hi again, Bob.


I think I found a proper way to do what I want. You can see it in the attached files. The confusing thing is that the camera attribute (ExposureTime), which exists according to the Attribute Information Array, does not show up if you try to find it in the property node (see screenshot #1 below). However, by specifying the Active Attribute, as shown in screen shot #2 and in the attached VIs, it can be accessed (read and write!). 


Maybe a simple problem, but I just started using LabVIEW a week ago. 😅 Nevertheless: thanks for your help!






P.S.: Next time I will start a new topic as suggested by raphschru.


Screen shot #1


Screen shot # 2


0 Kudos
Message 13 of 16

Hi Raphael.


Thanks for your reply. I think I was able to get a solution (see my reply to ). I will make sure to open a new topic next time. Sorry, I am a newcomer to LabVIEW and this discussion forum.


Best regards,



0 Kudos
Message 14 of 16

Wow!  I'm really impressed.  It's been a few years since I did much with LabVIEW Vision, and at that time I had several years of experience with LabVIEW!


Please do the Forums a favor and mark your Post as the Solution.  [I can technically do this, but it's your Post, and the Original Poster is the one who decides what post(s) answer the question].


Bob Schor

0 Kudos
Message 15 of 16



The IMAQdx reference that you get when opening your camera is "generic" is the sense that it does not know the specificities of your model.


Section "Acquisition Attributes" contains generic attributes that should be supported by every IMAQdx-compatible camera. This is just a way to easily access properties that are common to all camera models.


Section "Camera Attributes" on the other hand allows to dynamically access to the full set of attributes supported by your specific camera model. Then as you discovered, you must use the Attribute Name returned by "IMAQdx Enumerate Attributes" to access the desired attribute.




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Message 16 of 16