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State Structure will not allow me to change state name.

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Good Morning Majoris,


Sorry for the delay but I was diverted to a PCB layout that the engineer wanted layout changes done.  That took the rest of the day and I still have more work to do on it.

Thank you for the information on custom controls, there are a lot of things that I'm still learning about LabVIEW and a request for training falls on deaf ears.

I was able to use your posting to create the needed custom control and I have the program with only some connection issue but and I should have it running today.  There are not enough thanks that I can give to all of the people on the discussion forum that have help me in the pass if it wasn't for this group I would have given up trying to learn this programming tool. With the availability of the discussion forum and getting question answered quickly helps take some of the stress out of learning this tool and I don't doubt there are some who feel I'm a little beyond help.  I feel that way myself sometimes but I'll keep plugging away.


Many thanks,

0 Kudos
Message 21 of 28

Good Morning Matthew,


Thanks again Matt to me your my Knight!  I really appreciate you going through all the work helping me get this program up and running.  I really want to thanks you for the attachment I use them to help me with reviewing what it takes to get this running.  Although I did the control file through Majoris posting and just knowing that you would go through all that work to help someone made my day.  Your a good man Matt and don't ever let anyone tell you different.  I very comforting to know there are people on this forum that will go the extra mile to help a stranger in need.  Take care and may God grant you one of your heart felt wishes.


Very Best Regards,

Gary Tyrna


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Message 22 of 28



Can you explain something to me.  I have created the custom control as a type definition and as you stated in your third paragraph

" when you edit the type definition, you will likely need to File >> Save and File >> Apply Changes to apply any changes from the Type Def to all your VIs."

The trouble I'm having is that under File>>Apply Changes; the Apply Changes selection is gray out.  Do I have to completely remove the earlier custom control and recreate it?  Any idea why the "Apply Changes" would be grayed out?




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Message 23 of 28



If it is greyed out, then there are no changes to apply.  The changes will also automatically apply when you close the control.  The only time you need to apply them is if you make changes and want to see them populate without closing it.

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Message 24 of 28



But is doesn't make the changes to the type definition.  Nothing is auto updating.  I have attached the control file and have added "ADCTest" but it isn't listed in the program's type definition.  I opened the control and edit items and inserted the new item but it not in the control in the program.

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Message 25 of 28

Can you post your other VI.  The control that is not updateing is tied to the typedef, right?

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Message 26 of 28



I'm sorry to have bother you I'll just try rebuilding the control.



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Message 27 of 28



Sorry for the incorrect name.  I'm just not with it today.



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Message 28 of 28