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Stocked array vertical scrollbar's theme mixed between modern and system??

I enabled the vertical scrollbar for an array display in the front panel and apparently the modern themed array control has a system themed scrollbar. Also, the vertical and horizontal scrollbars from the modern control palette are also system themed controls. Did NI puposeply implemented it that way?

In the mean time, What can I do to replace the array veritcal scrollbar with a modern style, shown on the second image. The difference themed scrollbar is very distracting - take a look at the Compare.png image. Please help.

Thanks in advance,
James Pham

Message Edited by VRspace4 on 09-18-2007 01:25 AM

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Message 1 of 7
Hi James,
This is expected behavior, but I agree with you that it would look better with matching scrollbars.  I have file a report with R&D (4DICG889) for further investigation.  In the meantime, I would recommend using the System array and listbox for consistency.  Please let me know if you have any additional questions with regards to this issue.
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Message 2 of 7

@Elizabeth S wrote:
...I would recommend using the System array and listbox for consistency.

I don't think there is a "system" array (or cluster) container! Placing a system control inside an array, does not make the container any different, e.g. I can still change the color of the index display.

Am I missing something obvious?

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Message 3 of 7
At least in LV 8.5, this also applies to modern scoll bars as well, not just the scrollbars in arrays.
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Message 4 of 7
Christian -- No you are not missing anything, there is no system array container.  What Elizabeth meant to say was to use a system listbox and a modern/classic array with a system control inside it.

James -- Unfortunately there is no way to change the way the array scrollbar looks.  The modern listbox has the same style scrollbar as the modern graphs.  I can only assume that as the array scrollbars were added in a later version this was overlooked.

Interestingly enough the classic controls consistently use the same scrollbar type (see screenshot).

Another option would be to use a modern scrollbar placed over the modern listbox in leu of the built in scrollbar.  This would require a little programming to implement (namely wiring the value of the scrollbar to the listbox's "TopRow" property and then possibly some more code to account for the length of the array/scrollbar) but it is an option if you prefer the look of the modern controls.  This would look something like this:

I hope this helps and, as Elizabeth mentioned above, this has been reported to R&D as something we need to look at.


Simon H
AE Team Manager
National Instruments

Message Edited by Simon H on 09-19-2007 07:17 PM

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Message 5 of 7
Let's not forget that the system scrollbars adapt to whatever windows desktop theme you have set.
A stock Windows XP actually has blue scrollbars, even more distracting on an otherwise grey FP.
No wonder you switched to silver, Simon. 😄
Here is a composite image showing the SAME array control using various desktop settings. As you can see, if you want grey scrollbars, all you need to do is set your display properties to Windows Classic. 😮

Message Edited by altenbach on 09-19-2007 05:43 PM

Message 6 of 7
Good point there -- I forgot about Windows themes.
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Message 7 of 7