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TDMS file corrupted with error -2507



I have a TDMS file generated with LabVIEW 2014 SP1 executable running on a Windows7 PC.  It is corrupted, and when trying to open it with the Excel add-on, generates error -2507 (Invalid ObjectID).


Can someone at NI please unscramble the file?  I can upload to NI ftp site when required.




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Message 1 of 5

Hi there!


Usually that error indicates corruption due to a non-Latin character in the file (often the index channel). Would it be possible to attach the TDMS file here? Based on previous forum posts, deleting the *.tdms_index file can occasionally work as well. 

Claire M.
Technical Support
National Instruments
Certified LabVIEW Developer
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Message 2 of 5

Hi Claire,


I tried opening with no index file, but that did not work.  Attached is the corrupted file.





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Message 3 of 5

TDMS files are written in chunks, and in most cases when a file gets corrupted it is the last chunk in the file that is messed up.  You can follow my instructions posted here on how to open the file in a hex editor, and manually delete the last chunk.

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Message 4 of 5

Thanks Hooovah, 


tried your detailed instructions on deleting the last segment of data but the error still persists. 


From the forums, looks like 2507 is related to some non-std. character in the file, which might be a possibility in my case since the PC that generated it might have had locale=Canada, and even though we don't use the French Keyboard with its additional characters, might be a possible cause of the current issue.





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Message 5 of 5