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Tektronix DPO 2000/4000 Wait for trigger?

Hello,  I am using the scope mentioned in the title and I am trying to figure out how to get the device to wait for a trigger.  I had been using a TDS model that had a wait for trigger vi, so I could just put that in a loop, but with this model, I am having no such luck with this.


I have configured the edge trigger and then I just put the read vi in a for loop (twice).  However, I get one waveform and then the VI continues to run without acquiring a second image.


Thank you for any help.

0 Kudos
Message 1 of 5

Have you tried just using the Wait For Trigger from the TDS library?  Tektronix tends to keep the commands the same between series.

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Message 2 of 5

Thanks for the quick reply.  I just tried that, where I put the wait for Trigger from TDS into the loop, and I still get the problem that it runs once, gives a waveform, and then is stuck running, not giving a second.

0 Kudos
Message 3 of 5

Can you try to use attached vi instead of Wait for operation complete (inside Read)?


This is the major difference I found. 

I do not remember the reason why we changed it, was it the same as your problem or not, but we did it.


Minor differences:

There is delay between Initiate and Wait for OPC (Initiate, Wait, Fetch are inside Read vi). In our program it is due to structure: we average multiple readings using scope and not to freeze for a minute, separated Initiate operation and Wait done. Not sure if it matters.

Also we use Configure to have pretrigger points. Do not know if it matters.


PS. You have very strange implementation of a tunnel.

0 Kudos
Message 4 of 5

That doesn't do anything.  I have changed up the structure a little, and I am uisng the TDS wait for trigger command above and only using the fetch waveform vi (the 1000 delay was just to see if  Icould see anything change in the waveform).


As for the weird tunnel, I am very new to LV and am not exactly sure what I am doing...

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Message 5 of 5