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Third-part tool to draw rectangle on block diagram

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I know there was once a third-party tool that enabled me to draw a nice double-bordered rectangle on the block diagram.  Yes, that is the block diagram not the front panel.  It was very useful for making annotations and denoting functional groupings.  Does anyone know what that might be?  I have installed VI Package Manager and gone through everything I can think of without finding it.


Unfortunately, the documentation for these potentially very useful add-ons is poor.  The "Get info" is terse to the point of useless and clicking on "Product Homepage" rarely gets you more than a logo, not informative.  Surely, there must be more details somewhere.

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Message 1 of 4
Accepted by topic author mistercat

I don't know what tool you're referring to. What does this logo look like? Perhaps someone may recognize it.


What's wrong with the flat frame?

Message 2 of 4

That's exactly what I was looking for.  It just never occurred to me that it would be under Structures.



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Message 3 of 4



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