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Timing Loop won't Execute

I think this is a labVIEW bug, but I'm looking for a work around or a 'gotcha'.


I was attempting to create a timing loop for the purposes of sychronizing two sections of code within a VI.  The timing loops would not execute and so as part of the debugging process I created a simple empty timing loop with a 'stop button' in it.  Put a probe on the wire between the stop button and the stop terminal of the timing loop and executed my VI.  The Timing loop never executed.


I then created a new VI to continue debugging the timing loop: I created a new VI and a new timing loop with only a stop button, placed the probe in the same place, (between the button and the stop terminal) and ran the 'untitled vi'.  In the new vi the timing loop ran as intended.


All I can think is that there is some VI property in my rather complicated VI that prohibits timing loops but is not producing an error or warning.  I did check the VI properties and though they are not default there isn't anything that should be interfering with running a timing loop (e.g. critical execution).


I'm looking for solutions and work arounds.  


Using LabVIEW 2014 SP1 32 bit.


UofL Bioengineering M.S.

"I had rather be right than be president" -Henry Clay
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Message 1 of 6

Can you show us the code that does not work?

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Message 2 of 6

I was attempting to create a timing loop for the purposes of sychronizing two sections of code within a VI.  The timing loops would not execute and so as part of the debugging process I created a simple empty timing loop with a 'stop button' in it.  Put a probe on the wire between the stop button and the stop terminal of the timing loop and executed my VI.  The Timing loop never executed.



Where did you put this simple empty timed loop?  Can you provide a readable portion of your code?



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Message 3 of 6

The attached image of the first post is the disfunctional version, Attached to this is a segment of the VI with the example disfuctional timing loop at the bottom right.  


UofL Bioengineering M.S.

"I had rather be right than be president" -Henry Clay
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Message 4 of 6

You probably need to be careful with empty loops. Sometime the compiler strips out dead code, i.e. code that does not do anything. Not sure if this applies here though. Are the other code fragments show in the picture actually running?

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Message 5 of 6

Yes, everything runs fine until on conversion to a timing loop.  The timing loop displayed in this example is just for debugging as an example of the bug.  There was no behavior change from when it was filled with code and when it was empty.


UofL Bioengineering M.S.

"I had rather be right than be president" -Henry Clay
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Message 6 of 6