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Timing issues on 2 DAQmx Task wrt to Write to Measurement File

hello every1, i am trying to write 2 seperate files at 2 different frequencies using 1 DAQmx AI vi. I am using a Resample to resample the input AI into 2 seperate frequencies. I am also saving the RPM data from a mag pickup using freq input on USB-6229.


The problem is, when i initialize the max input sampling from DAQmx to 10hz, and the minimum sampling rate at which data is written to file is 2hz, i observe in the excel that i have data at 0.5sec, then i have 2-3rows of junk values, data at 1sec, another 2-3 rows of junk values... and so on...


why do i have this/ any idea? is it because the input data sampling rate is 10 and then I am stepping it down at 2hz using the 'Resample' below is the sample...


Time(s) Voltage1 voltage 2
Voltage 3

0 377.3304 1856.257 1934.39

0.5 395.7867 1837.126 1951.939


1 402.7624 1843.206 2016.952

1.5 396.6137 1889.137 2028.533


2 402.3852 1886.627 2013.197

2.5 410.2069 1926.095 2057.378


3 413.9997 1961.468 2094.644
Now on LabVIEW 10.0 on Win7
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Message 1 of 8

Did anyone figure out about my problem yet?? I am assuming anyone who uses Resample and writes data to the file would have similar problems...


Now on LabVIEW 10.0 on Win7
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Message 2 of 8

How are you writing it to file? Post a clip of your code if you can.



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Message 3 of 8

i dont the computer which runs labview with me now, but here is what i am doing, i am collecting the Nchannel 1sample AI waveforms at 10hz in a while loop.


Then, i have a case statement, in which we can set this AI to any sampling rate we want.


I have taken the step-down sampling rate to 2Hz.


After the "dt" is set, I am using "Resample" to produce 2Hz output waveforms. this waveform is then passed into Write to, wherein i have tab limited,no headers, 1 time column settings in it.

I know i have mentioned a mag-pick up channel as well in 1st post, but temperarily I am not saving that data into this file. I am using a standard measure frequency using 1-low frequency counter example VI to measure RPM.

thats all the code does. i hope you should have an idea what I am doing.



Now on LabVIEW 10.0 on Win7
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Message 4 of 8

here is the snippet of the code

check the attached file...


another thing about the writing to file... I have included a time stamp in the "comment" section of the write to measurement


if i remove that comment, i observe there is no discrepancy in the data file... However, I would like to have the timestamp in the data file i write.


PLease help


Now on LabVIEW 10.0 on Win7
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Message 5 of 8

I'm not sure what's happening in the false case of your code, but look at the example I attached and see if that's what you're trying to do. It's timestamping and the timestamp changes when you resample.

Message 6 of 8

egraham, the code does produce a time-stamp in decimal, and changes the delta t between the time stamps.. however, i would like to have a real time time stamp, like hr;mm;ss;ms as a column,

if i add that to the comment column, everything messes up...


did you observe this at your end as well???



thanks a lot for the code... it did reduce lot of my worries 🙂

Now on LabVIEW 10.0 on Win7
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Message 7 of 8

I see what you were trying to do. I don't think the Write to Measurement File express VI works that way where you were trying to insert a new timestamp as a new comment on every data point. Have you considered using the basic Write to Text File VI instead? You would have more control over the text file this way as opposed to using the express VI.



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Message 8 of 8