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Using a Phidget Motor Controller and attempting to get a feedback loop

Hello! Recently, I aquired a Phidgets 1065 motor controller and a compatible motor with built-in encoder. Currently, I am trying to write a program that allows me to input a position, and the motor moves at a user-specified speed until the encoder reaches that position. However, the original instructions to the Phidget VI's are so vague, I'm not entirely sure how to tackle this problem. Any help would be appreciated!


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It looks like Phidget has a lot of documentation on its website. This webpage might be helpful to get started: . This user guide shows how to connect the wires. Notice that both the motor control cables and the encoder cables are connected to the motor controller. I believe that the position control loops are performed on this controller/drive itself.


Phidget also has LabVIEW VIs that you can use to set the motor position. This new position is sent to the motor controler through the USB connection and the motor controller will control the motion to that new target position. See this document to get started with the LabVIEW API . See this document for more information about each of the Phidget VIs: I believe that you would need to look at the section that talks about the servo control module.


Take care,

Jeremy P.

Applications Engineer
National Instruments
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