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Using a pulse generator for a sample clock on the same DAQ

Currently trying to figure out how to write a VI where I can use a pulse generator on one of the PF pins on my USB 6210 and utilize it as an external sample clock for edge counting. Trying to build a homemade tachometer and need to get continuous edge count readings off a hall effect sensor. Have tried using two separate DAQ assistants at the same time, one for the pulse generator and one for the edge counter and I keep getting errors pertaining to labview not recognizing the pulse generator as the clock. Any help would be greatly appreciated. Thanks in advanced. 

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Do not use the Dreaded DAQ Assistant, and especially avoid its Evil Twin, the Dynamic Data Wire.  Learn DAQmx (it is much more straight-forward, transparent, and "safer" than the DDA).  There are DAQmx Tutorials, including one of my favorites -- search for "Learn 10 Functions in NI-DAQmx and Handle 80 Percent of your Data Acquisition Applications".


Here's another hint -- learn to use MAX to "demo" and configure your DAQmx Task.  You can even save the Task using MAX, reducing the Acquisition to 4 DAQmx functions and one While Loop (the functions being Start Task, Read (or Write), Stop Task, Clear Task, with a Constant wired to the Task/Channel input of the Start Task, and clicking the little "selector triangle" in the otherwise-blank Constant to choose the just-saved Task created by MAX, containing all of the Channels, the Device, the input ranges, the sampling rate, the sample number, etc.


Bob Schor

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