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Using an absolute encoder? sending clock signals and reading responses.

Hi All


I am very new to lab view and was wondering if you would be able to help with a issue I have come up against.

I need to add an absolute encoder into my system which requires a clocking signal to trigger data transitions back to the controller. This data is in Gray format and i have found a program to turn this into binary which i then intend to display as an angle.

The hardware i am using is a Ni9375 to which I have wired a Hengstler AC36 encoder.

The manual for the encoder is found below with the required pulse brush pattern.


Any help would be much appreciated.


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Message 1 of 4

Hi Watez, 

I'd just like to clarify a few things with the issue you've been facing:


  • What stage of creating the application are you?
  • If you are needing help starting out then it may be helpful to check out some of the labview examples located under help->find examples. You can then use the search tab and hardware filter to filter the results.
  • Which part of the application are you having issues with?



Have a good day,


NI Applications Engineer 

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Message 2 of 4

Hi Jacob.

  • I am starting from scratch and trying to learn the required steps.
  • I have looked at some of the examples such as the digital finite output sample but what i can not see with them is how to generate the 13 step high low pulse that is required to trigger the encoder send cycle?
  • For now generating the pulse as i am planning to have a continuous digital in to receive the gray data.

Kind regards


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Message 3 of 4

Hi Watez,


What you are trying to achieve is more easily through the NI 73XX motion controller range. They are specifically designed for this application and have lots of example code and in order to get started using and implementing them within your application. I will include a link to some example code and documentation for you to browse at your leisure.


Reading an Absolute Encoder with National Instruments Motion Control


In order to do what you're proposing with an NI 9375 starting from scratch is no small feat starting from scratch as there is not much exemplary code. I recommend looking into the counter functions, here's a little homework for you if you want to delve further!

Using Counters and Digital I/O

Timing and Synchronization Features of NI-DAQmx


Hope this helps!

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Message 4 of 4