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Version 2012 crash at startup

Please see the attachment. I've tried re-installing and also doing the repair option. I have not tried to un-install yet. I have a 2011 version installed also and it runs fine. Thanks for any help! 🙂

0 Kudos
Message 1 of 16

What does it say if you click on "view reports"? Anything interesting in the lvlog.txt file?


Did you send the report?

0 Kudos
Message 2 of 16

Thanks for the reply. I sent the report along with my email address. Log file shows that it's crashing while adding a parent for a class?


Here is the contents of lvlog.txt:


#Date: Fri, Sep 20, 2013 7:01:30 AM
#OSName: Windows 7 Enterprise Service Pack 1
#OSVers: 6.1
#OSBuild: 7601
#AppName: LabVIEW
#Version: 12.0f3 32-bit
#AppKind: FDS
#AppModDate: 10/04/2012 21:12 GMT
#LabVIEW Base Address: 0x00400000


9/20/13 7:01:35.625 AM
DAbort 0xC7FBEC5C: OMClassMgr::AddParentForClass : omCPtr != omParent
e:\builds\penguin\labview\branches\2012patch\dev\source\objmgr\OMClass.cpp(1259) : DAbort 0xC7FBEC5C: OMClassMgr::AddParentForClass : omCPtr != omParent
minidump id: fa674ac1-00d3-481b-8e66-bf9d2e78abce
$Id: //labview/branches/2012patch/dev/source/objmgr/OMClass.cpp#1 $

0x0069E583 - LabVIEW <unknown> + 0
0x10016460 - mgcore_SH_12_0 <unknown> + 0
0x01687A48 - LabVIEW <unknown> + 0
0x016A39F7 - LabVIEW <unknown> + 0
0x016B7BCA - LabVIEW <unknown> + 0
0x004610CB - LabVIEW <unknown> + 0
0x0046201F - LabVIEW <unknown> + 0
0x00462174 - LabVIEW <unknown> + 0
0x01690E1C - LabVIEW <unknown> + 0
0x016A4FAE - LabVIEW <unknown> + 0
0x016A608C - LabVIEW <unknown> + 0
0x00B18CC2 - LabVIEW <unknown> + 0
0x00B1E067 - LabVIEW <unknown> + 0
0x00B21826 - LabVIEW <unknown> + 0
0x01B4C137 - LabVIEW <unknown> + 0
0x0044B28C - LabVIEW <unknown> + 0
0x0044AEFA - LabVIEW <unknown> + 0
0x0044B1AD - LabVIEW <unknown> + 0
0x0044B220 - LabVIEW <unknown> + 0
0x01CE3C65 - LabVIEW <unknown> + 0
0x76DC336A - kernel32 <unknown> + 0
0x779C9F72 - ntdll <unknown> + 0
0x779C9F45 - ntdll <unknown> + 0
0x00000000 - <unknown> <unknown> + 0

0 Kudos
Message 3 of 16

Do you have any available updates on your NI Update Service?


It would also be helpful to have a technical report generated from Measurement and Automation Studio (MAX). To do this, open MAX and navigate to File --> Create Report. Select Technical Support Report, and follow the steps (you do not have to add any files on the second screen if you don't need to). Attach the zip file with your next forum post.


Thank you!

Stephanie S.
Application Engineer
National Instruments
Message 4 of 16

INSTAL new windows or re instanl labview
also i note in my pc that when is use large multiplier vi about 256 the labview crash

best regards

hi ?Q>

Message 5 of 16

Attached is the report requested along with the crash log files. Thanks!

0 Kudos
Message 6 of 16

Thanks! I have been looking through your log files. Have you tried reinstalling the patch or a force reinstall?

Stephanie S.
Application Engineer
National Instruments
0 Kudos
Message 7 of 16

I reinstalled the patch which resulted in no change to the error.

I tried to reinstall LV with the result being the same error. Could you explain by what you mean by "force reinstall"? Thanks!


I installed the 64 bit version and it is working. The only issue there is compatibility with some of the instrument driver DLL's that I use are 32 bit.


My next step was to uninstall then install. Because that takes of lot of time I've been holding off on that. I'm using TestStand and making calls to LV so I can continue to work in TS while LV is figured out.



0 Kudos
Message 8 of 16

Force reinstall just ignores what files are already there and reinstalls everything. Here is a KnowledgeBase Artcile that talks more about it and shows you how to do it:


It will take some time just like uninstalling and reinstalling will, so maybe try it when you do not need to call from Teststand.



Stephanie S.
Application Engineer
National Instruments
0 Kudos
Message 9 of 16

Well this is a stubborn problem. I've tried the force reinstall then uninstalled and installed from scratch and ended up with the same error message...


Have any other ideas?  🙂

0 Kudos
Message 10 of 16