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What should I do to remove non-stationary electromyographic noise from ECG signal?


I tried several ways to remove EMG noise from ECG signal, such as wavelet denoise, but they all failed.


What should I do to remove non-stationary EMG noise from ECG signal?


Thank you. 


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Message 1 of 2

Stop the muscles from moving while recording the ECG?


Seriously, your question is too generic and lacking details for anyone to be able to give you a useful reply.


1. Join the Biomedical User Group. The specialized expertise you need may be found there.

2. Post a VI with some typical signals saved as default so we can see what is happening. Please include an indication of what parts of the signal are bothersome, what parts are desireable, and how much interference you can tolerate. There are many participants on this board who have experience with processing signals but who may not be familiar with ECG or EMG signals.

3. List the things you have tried and be as quantitative as possible about their shortcomings. "...but they all failed" does not tell us anything about what kind of failure occurred. If possible give an algorithm for determining the processed signal.

4. Please tell us about what you are trying to do. For example ambulatory ECG monitoring of pregnant elephants during labor in an African savanna via satellite telemetry is a different problem from an exercise study on healthy college students in a laboratory.



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Message 2 of 2