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Why a VI with a Statechart does not run as startup in CompactRIO?

Hi all,


We are developing an applicatioon using the statechart module and Labview 2009.


We are able to run a VI in a CRIO that contains a Statechart, but when we compile it and try to make it run as startup it never does (when rebooting). The problem must be the statechart because if it is disabled everything works fine (we monitorize the CPU usage).


Not even the simplest machine will work. 


Any incompatibility? any special library? Anyone that has made it work?


Thanks in advance,




Message 1 of 4

Hi Pedro,


This is actually a known issue in LabVIEW 2009,CAR# 198618 . There is a fairly easy workaround which will likely work for you. Right click on your build specification and choose properties. Then in the Advanced category, check the option to "Use LabVIEW 8.x file layout" . This bug is fixed in LabVIEW 2010 (no workaround required). Hopefully either the workaround or using LabVIEW 2010 will work for you.




Message 2 of 4

It works!


Thank you very much Nick, it seems that I missed that issue when I went over the documents on the web.


You have a kudo and my gratitude.


Problem solved!

Message 3 of 4
No problem, and you're most welcome! I'm sorry you ran into the bug, and glad the workarounds were effective.
0 Kudos
Message 4 of 4