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Why do some items in "Open Existing Project" have just the project name and others have the entire file path?

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I have LabVIEW 2012 SP1 and on the main LabVIEW screne I selecrt "Show Projects"


Why do some items in "Open Existing (Project)" have just the project name and others have the entire file path?


Examples of two lines in the Projects List.


Ping.lvproj (With a path: C:\Users\mlevine\Documents\MPCE EQT\EQT Software\Ping.lvproj)

C:\Users\mlevine\Documents\Common Mission Package Trainer (CMPT)\SUW Surface Warfare\Weapon Authorization Panel (WAP)\WAP LabVIEW Software\WAP Fire Authorization Server Apr 28 2015


Any chance it is because I made a copy of the that software and stored it off on a network drive and ran it out that network drive?

So if LabVIEW sees two or more versions of the same software it decides to use the full path name to distinguish between them?


I'd still rather it show just the project name and if you hover over the name it shows the full path.








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Message 1 of 3
Accepted by topic author mlevine

If you've opened a project of the same name from a different location, that's when it shows the full path to both - in that case showing just the project name wouldn't help you because it would be the same!

LabVIEW Champion, CLA, CLED, CTD
Message 2 of 3

The problem is with the path names being so long I have to move the main labview menu to the left of my display screen so I can see the entire path that ends in the project name I'm interested it.


Please consider the following enhancement.


File name followed by the path or trucated version of the path.




WAFS.lvproj  [C:\ ... WAP LabVIEW Software\]


WAFS.lvproj  [\\fsmd\ ... WAP LabVIEW Software\] 





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