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Why do the Learn NI Labview Basic Tutorial Videos not work?

Hello, I'm not sure if this is the best place to post this question, I am trying to go through this tutorial but none of the videos will work for me. I have tried 2 different computers and my personal one at home, all do the same. You click the play button and either nothing at all happens, or the page gets grayed out and then nothing happens, no error message, no you need to upgrade message, nothing. The video on the NI home page usually work right away on any of these computers. Thanks for any help or direction.



0 Kudos
Message 1 of 29

Do you have a direct link to page containing the video you are trying to play?


(Does e.g. the one here work for you?)



0 Kudos
Message 2 of 29

The 1st video I tried is on this page


Yes the video on the link you provided works just fine. Thanks.

0 Kudos
Message 3 of 29

Which browser do you use Doug?  I know we test on many different configurations but it's possible that it's something with our Javascript.  Have you ever successfully seen a "lightbox" type video from


"lightboxing" is the term for when most of the page goes dark and you just see the video in the center.



0 Kudos
Message 4 of 29

Works fine here. Do you have the newest version of flash player installed? What is your browser?

0 Kudos
Message 5 of 29

Internet explorer 8, I have seen the light box type on the homepage. It looks like I have Flash 10 installed. Would another browser like Chrome or Firefox work better?

0 Kudos
Message 6 of 29

I have Flash 10, and Explorer 8. Thanks.

0 Kudos
Message 7 of 29

Hmm that should work fine -- I've just checked it on my machine.  Does IE give you any indication that something didn't load or run correctly?


Have you seen any strange behavior on other sites?


A bit off topic since our web page should work fine in Internet Explorer 8 but I personally much prefer both Chrome and Firefox to IE.  Chrome is my current browser of choice due to it's rendering speed, the integrated search/url bar and the way it sandboxes each page (so when flash crashes on one page I don't lose my other tabs).


0 Kudos
Message 8 of 29

Hi, still not working, as amatter of fact even the Moores Law For Test Video on the home page won't work. I have tried IE, Chrome, Firefox, on my laptop and other computers this is what happens: You run the mouse over the play button and the window becomes gray, you click the play button and the whole page becomes gray (Lightbox effect I guess). Sometimes you will get a top and bottom border of a player with a pause button and progress bar, but other than that nothing happens until you click outside of the video window then the page goes back to normal.


I asked our IT Guy to try the Moores law video on his PC, he tried all kinds of browsers and even remotely from a different network in another city, with no sucess, he concluded that there is some issue with the NI website at least here in Canada.


Do these players have to download a large file before they start? Should I give it several minutes after I click the play button?



0 Kudos
Message 9 of 29

Maybe if it is an issue with computers at your workplace, there is a firewall setup that is blocking the connection.

If you take your laptop home with you, does the video work there?

Cory K
Message 10 of 29