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Writing a 2D String Array to TDMS files

Hi everyone!


I writing data to a TDMS file. Currently, I am passing a 1D string array into the TDMS Write function as my channel names.The problem I am having is writing a 2D string array of channels names and units into the TDMS file.I want to have channel names and the units correlated with each channel, because I am using Winplot it is must easier to to post process data with the units below the channel names. 


Does anyone know how to do this? 


Thank you for the help!


This is what is currently looks like when opening the TDMS File in Excel

Excel 1.PNG

This is what I want the data to look like when I open the TDMS File in Excel

Excel 2.PNG


Capture 2.PNG


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You are wiring the channel names, instead of the appended array to your TDMS write. 



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Message 2 of 4

So I tried that, and it yielded a broken arrow saying "Polymorphic terminal cannot accept this data type." How did you get yours to work? 



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Message 3 of 4

I opened the example again and I got the broken wire. I recommend you check the example called TDMS Advanced Append Multiple Headers. You can find it via the example finder. It required you to run the TDMS Advanced Asynchronous Write before, which is also located in the example finder. 

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