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X-Scale Timing, Producer Consumer Structure

Good day,


I'm using a Producer consumer structure and I'm enqueueing data every time in a while, almost every 50 minutes, and I want to make a graph with the Amplitud in the Y-Scale and the time in the X-Scale but I cant get right the timing for the graph...

Any ideas about how to keep the initial time as the first value and any next sample with the correct time?


Best regards,

Esteban Gonzalez


P.s. This is what I've got so far.

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My name is David and I am an Applications Engineer at National Instruments UK.


It seems that the problem that you are having is a simple scaling problem with the X-axis. If you follow the following steps it should solve this for you:


  1.  Right click the graph and select X Scale >> AutoScale X to disable AutoScaling on the X-axis.
  2.  Right click again and select X Scale >> Properties. Go to the Display Format tab in the window that appears.
  3.  Ensure that you have the Time (X-axis) selected and select Absolute Time under Type.
  4.  Navigate to the Scale tab and adjust the value for Maximum. This is the maximum number of seconds that you want the scale to run for.

Hint: You can also change the sort of clock time that is displayed on the X-axis in the Display Format tab.


I hope this helps.



David B
Applications Engineer
National Instruments UK
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