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X-Y Plot in Signal Express 2

Hello All! This is probably obvious, but I have not been able to find it
for the past three days. I am trying to use signal express to record 2
differential analog imputs in a DAQ device (NIDaqMX). I have
differential Channel 0 and differential Channel 1. I can record channel
0 vs. time and 1 vs. time, but I need to be able to generate a Channel 1
vs Channel 0 plot. Is there a way to do this in Signal Express?

Your help will be greatly appreciated.

Thanks in advance!
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Message 1 of 6
You could do it in either of two ways shown in the pic
Split signal function, you will find in Block diaram functions>> Express>> signal manipulation >> Split signal
The XY express vi van be found on Front Panel Controls>>Graphs>> Ex XY Graph
Any doubts, do ask
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Message 2 of 6

I was going to post the same solution Dev provided.  However, in doing so I would have been assuming that signal express was an express vi for data acquistion.  I couldn't find an express vi explicitly called signal express.  I then did some searching and found a non-programming solution to daq from NI called signal express.

rmarisel, if you are actually using LabVIEW and programming with DAQmx, then Dev's solution is what you are looking for.  However, if you are using the canned NI signal express package then I don't think you can do what you want.  It appears all plotting in NI signal express can only be done in terms of time, that is, it defaults the x axis of each channel to a time axis only.  I did notice that signal express allows for some data processing to be done.  If you can make an xy-graph to plot data after processing then this might be a work around.



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Message 3 of 6
caz wrote:
>I was going to post the same solution Dev provided.  However, in doing so I would have been assuming that signal express was an express vi for data acquistion.  I couldn't find an express vi explicitly called signal express.  I then did some searching and found a non-programming solution to daq from NI called signal express.
>rmarisel, if you are actually using LabVIEW and programming with DAQmx, then Dev's solution is what you are looking for.  However, if you are using the canned NI signal express package then I don't think you can do what you want.  It appears all plotting in NI signal express can only be done in terms of time, that is, it defaults the x axis of each channel to a time axis only.  I did notice that signal express allows for some data processing to be done.  If you can make an xy-graph to plot data after processing then this might be a work around.

You are absolutely right. Thanks Dev, but I am trying to use the
program LabView Signal Express 2.0 and it seems like the solution,
although a good one, does not apply here. I have looked everywhere and I
a also starting to think that it is beyong the capabilities of the
software. I can export Ch 1 and Ch 0 vs time and plot them elsewhere,
but then I can't see when something went wrong until I am done. I guess
that I will have to write my own Labview.


Diego J. Diaz
0 Kudos
Message 4 of 6
Hi rmarisel,
This can be done in LabVIEW SignalExpress by dragging both the signals to a graph and then right clicking on the graph and selecting View As->X-Y Graph
0 Kudos
Message 5 of 6
Matt F wrote:
> Hi rmarisel,
> This can be done in LabVIEW SignalExpress by dragging both the signals to a graph and then right clicking on the graph and selecting View As->X-Y Graph

Matt, Dev, Caz;
Hi All! Many thanks for all your help. I was able to figure it out.
The main problem seems like even when it was actually doing the X-Y
graph, it was still writing "Time" on the X-Axis and the scale was way
off. After realizing that, and correcting for the off-set I was able to
obtain it. I am now trying to sort some little details on the way it
refreshes on the screen, but it is working :-).

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Message 6 of 6