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X and Y scale range

In my code I created an oscilloscope that will read up to 8 channels at once. For the waveform display I added in X and scale range controls, which have controls of set the minimum, maximum, increments, and minor increments. I also added in plot size (length and height).  The values for all the inputs are currently set to 0, because no change is noticed if I change the number values. Why is this? Also, the X scale range the minimum and maximum are both set to 1, this is the only number combination that will allow the waveform to be viewed full screen. You would think that if the minimum and maximum were both set to the same thing, you would not be able to see anything. I am confused by this.
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Message 1 of 2
It would help if you posted your code, as it's a bit difficult to follow your description of the problem. My guess is that you either not properly responding to events, or you're setting the values in the wrong order.
Message 2 of 2