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XControl Display State Changed Do not get fired in run time system when method is called

I have created a XControl  and i am using the same in one of my projects.
every thing is working fine  in source code. but when build the Exe some things do not work as per expectation.
on debugging further i found out that when i call the invoke node for XControls certain method. the display state change event does not get fired in facade VI
does anybody know why the perticular event gets fired in source code but not in the built executable?

Tushar Jambhekar

Jambhekar Automation Solutions
LabVIEW Consultancy, LabVIEW Training
Rent a LabVIEW Developer, My Blog

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The run time version sould always run the same as the development version. If not, it's a bug. Are you using 8.0, 8.2 or 8.2.1?

There might be tiny timing differences that could cause different execution ordering, causing race conditions. Can you trim your application to a few vi's that demonstrate the problem?


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