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clear indicator during the while loop

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Hello guys,

I trying an application very easy to show a number of iteration ( or count  by encoder in second time) and show a partial and a total on two indicator.

I would like to reset the indicator and chart  when i press a clear button, but the only clean is the chart, while the indicator reset to zero rapidly ( with reinitialize to default value) but keep a memory of the iteration riched at the moment.

What kind of solution you can suggest me? ) I tried to use shift register, case structure but I can't find a solution

Thanks again for your precious help or suggest..


here  I posted my VI

0 Kudos
Message 1 of 6

Try this out, is this what you looking for,

Message 2 of 6

I edited your vi to do what I think you want.

Message 3 of 6

here there is a VI modified

Thank you Systemcrash, good suggest..

I tried to implementing your example( and suggest ) with my application  to acquire a counter ( I using an USB 6009 as prototype)  ,but I can't reset the counting.

My idea is obtain  a partial count  and total count.

So when I desire press a button reset or Clear and restart to zero on partial counter indicator  while the total must be the number of count acquired.

Thanks again for your precious help..



here I posted a Vi modified 

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Message 4 of 6
Accepted by topic author devil80

Here is the same thing I did with your counter stuff.

Message 5 of 6

Hello Tim,

I tryed at home this VI, and doesn't work well as my requirements because when you press clear the total amount increase of the last measure counted, so i think the numeric function ( add) wired with a  previous count may be a  mistake,,

I modified a VI with a partial and total counter, and finally i can  reset the partial counter and the total counter    while the "while loop" is running..

I read several post on this forum and I understand that  is a common problem... 🙂  some post is :  you must  to use a stop task and start again , and I followed the advice..finding a correct solution for my application.

Here i posted my code modifyed

P.s  if you see improving code please inform me...


Thanks again for your help..  🙂   



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Message 6 of 6