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dll Build error using HP 8563a driver

While trying to create a dll from multiples VI inside the HP8563a drivers i get this error message:


Visit the Request Support page at to learn more about resolving this problem. Use the following information as a reference:

Error -2147221480 occurred at Building DLL.
An error occurred compiling the DLL because a function or parameter name is illegal. Please verify that the function and/or parameter names are legal C identifiers and do not conflict with LabVIEW headers.
Additional Information: HP8563a_SpecA.c - 20 errors
 84, 42   syntax error; found '*' expecting ')'.
 86, 19   Extraneous formal parameter specification.
 87, 43   syntax error; found '*' expecting ')'.
 88, 56   syntax error; found '*' expecting ';'.
 88, 43   Declared parameter 'At0HzMs' is missing.
 88, 52   Declared parameter 'TD1' is missing.
 88, 56   Missing prototype. (Require function prototypes build option is enabled.)
 88, 56   syntax error; found '*' expecting '{'.
 88, 57   Undeclared identifier 'errorInNoError'.
 88, 71   Type error: pointer expected.
 89, 16   Undeclared identifier 'VISAResourceNameOut'.
 89, 37   Illegal use of type name 'TD1'.
 89, 42   Undeclared identifier 'errorOut'.
 89, 50   Operands of * have illegal types 'TD1' and 'int'.
 89, 50   syntax error; found ')' expecting ';'.
 89, 50   Illegal statement termination.
 90, 1   Unrecognized statement.
 90, 6   syntax error; found '__cdecl' expecting '}'.
 90, 41   syntax error; found '*' expecting ')'.
 92, 9   syntax error; found '*' expecting ';'.


This error code is undefined. No one has provided a description for this code, or you might have wired a number that is not an error code to the error code input.

0 Kudos
Message 1 of 6
Your previous posts indicated you were looking for the HP8563A drivers, but IDNET did not have them. Where did you get the drivers? Can you  provide a link?
0 Kudos
Message 2 of 6
(2,879 Views) this is the link of the driver it's know also as the Agilent 856X series
0 Kudos
Message 3 of 6
That driver doesn't have a HP8563a_SpecA VI in it.
0 Kudos
Message 4 of 6
No but all the VI inside the driver package can control the HP 8563a spec A, i'm just wondering why when i build the dll from lets say the Configure Span....Query amplitude and etc... i get the error message stated above
0 Kudos
Message 5 of 6
Because as the error description states, some of the control/indicator names are illegal and some of the data types (i.e VISA Resource) are not valid C data types. You can clean up the names and replace the VISA resource controls/indicators with strings.
Message 6 of 6