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erreur -63195



I have a VI with the compactRIO module, FPGA module, Real Time module ans Labview in 8.5 version.

I have recovered a existing VI from the last year, but it don't work.

I see the error code : -63195, I searched  different solving in your website, but the manipulation : tools, options, environnement "close automatiquelly the VISA session" don't work.


Do you have an other solution ?


Yours faithfully



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Message 1 of 6

Hello Alexis,


Thank you for posting on National Instruments Forum.


Thank to your explanation, I guess that you already read this KB:


Can you check in your LabVIEW.ini file (in the main LabVIEW directory under Program Files) for this line: "cleanupVisa=True" ? If you have this line, try changing it to ""cleanupVisa=False". If it isn't there, try adding it and then recompile your FPGA code.

If you get the error again, can you send us a screenshot of it and tell us in which VI it occures?
Also try repairing the NI-RIO driver (and then recompile).


Have a nice day,

Kind Regards,


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Message 2 of 6

Thank you for your help,


I cheked my your LabVIEW.ini file (in the main LabVIEW directory under Program Files) for this line: "cleanupVisa=True" ? and thie line didn't exist. So  added cleanupVisa=False" and I saved the change.

But If I recompile my FPGACode, I have an error, and for the VI -> the same problem.


I joined you a copy of the compilation failure texte, a screenshot of my -63195 problem in my VI, and finally a copy of my project. I'm using the "HostCode 4" Vi.


The NI RIO drivers are succefully installed, normaly.


If you want, my collegue posted this same topic :


Thank you.


Kind Regards



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Message 3 of 6



I clicked on a false button. My problem is not solved.


I'm sorry for this false click, I need help !!


Thank You

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Message 4 of 6

I clicked on a false button. My problem is not solved.

Please unmark by clicking on "Options" located at the top right corner of your post and select "unmark"

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Message 5 of 6

Thank for your Help


I have just unmarked my post !


I'm still searching a solution.



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Message 6 of 6