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error code -200587 issue


I build a test system with labview ,teststand ( two thread), used NI DAQ 6221.

sometimes there will be a error pop-up -200587:

Error -200587 occurred at an unidentified location

Possible reason(s):

Measurements: Requested operation could not be performed, because the specified digital lines are either reserved or the device is not present in NI-DAQmx.

It is possible that these lines are reserved by another task, the device is being used through the Traditional NI-DAQ interface, or the device is being reset. You might also get the error if the specified resource is currently in use by LabVIEW network variables bound to the DAQ Channel, or if the DAQ Channel is being used in any OPC Client software.

If you are using these lines with another task, wait for the task to complete.  If you are using the device through the Traditional NI-DAQ interface, and you want to use it with NI-DAQmx, reset (initialize) the device using the Traditional NI-DAQ interface. If you are resetting the device, wait for the reset to finish.



IN my each thread, I use AI acquire and Do action function,but I think AI and DO action have no conflict.

please help me to analyse it ,thanks .


Diffrent Strokes for Different Folks
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Why do you think there is no conflict? The error message says that you do.You haven't posted your code step and it would be nice to see that and how you are calling the step in TestStand.


You obviously cannot have more than one task running at one time with the analog out and you cannot have more than one digital task on the same line. Since you are using TestStand, are you doing any locking to prevent the threads being run in parallel? Doing that should prevent the error message.

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Message 2 of 3

Hi Dennis Knutson

Thanks for your reply.


I attached some VI for your reference . These VI used for both two thread  and be invoked  so many times in my teststand sequence with difference config .


All VI have creat a task and close the task ,so I think there is no conflict . I think we need not use "LoCK" function , when two task visit DAQ card, they will be a queue and work one by one, am I right?





Diffrent Strokes for Different Folks
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