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excel line chart


I'm trying to create a very simple excel line chart using the report generator toolkit. I have tried both the Excel Easy Graph and Excel Insert Graph vi's (using xlLine type) but cannot get them to output the type of graph im looking for.  

Using the excel chart wizard im able to generate the type i want, which is the right hand chart in attached an example excel file. The one on the left is the LV output. Any tips on how to get LV to generate the one I want? Seems like a such a simple thing....


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Hi David,


Sounds like you need to configure the graph within LabVIEW. Take a look at the examples available for the toolkit. They should get you going in the right direction. You can get to it by clickin LabVIEW Help>>ExampleFinder>>Toolkits and Modules>> Report Generation Toolkit.


Some of the formatting VIs for the graph can be found on the following pallette: Programming>>Report Generation>>Excel Specific>>Excel Graphs and pictures.


Hope that helps.



National Instruments
Applications Engineer
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