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export data from plot to excel appends "m" or "u" to data

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Sometimes when I right click on plot and select export to Excel, the data in Excel has "m" or "u" appended, meaning 1.0E-3 or 1.0E-6. But I can't get Excel to recognize these as numbers.

Is there way to export in different format or to get Excel to recognize these numbers?

Thank you

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Message 1 of 4
Accepted by topic author tony_wash_gx5

Hi Tony,


@tony_wash_gx5 wrote:

Sometimes when I right click on plot and select export to Excel, the data in Excel has "m" or "u" appended, meaning 1.0E-3 or 1.0E-6. But I can't get Excel to recognize these as numbers.

Can you define "sometimes" more precisely? When exactly do you get those "u"/"m" chars?


Just a(n educated) guess: are you formatting the axis values to show SI units (%p)? If so: why do you wonder about getting such values when exporting to Excel?


@tony_wash_gx5 wrote:

Is there way to export in different format or to get Excel to recognize these numbers?

Sure: don't rely on built-in methods of the chart, but create your own routine to export data to a CSV file! It's quite easy: you need just one file function...

Best regards,

using LV2016/2019/2021 on Win10/11+cRIO, TestStand2016/2019
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Message 2 of 4

I guess you're formatting your strings with %p? Use %f, %g or %e (see the documentation).


%p formats numbers to strings with SI prefixes.

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Message 3 of 4

Do a search and replace of m -> e-3 in excel 😄

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