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freuquency measurement

İ got USB-6210 and i’m trying to get 2 freuquency data and 1 displacement data with labview but i know NOTHING about it. anybody can halp me to build it ?? 

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Message 1 of 6



we also don't know anything about that, so how can we help?

Best regards,

using LV2016/2019/2021 on Win10/11+cRIO, TestStand2016/2019
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Message 2 of 6

2010sp1 on Xp.. please help me..Smiley Sad

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Message 3 of 6

A desperate plea for help is not going to work all by itself. All that you have provided is the model of data acquisition card you have. No hint of what sensors you have, the type of signal you are trying to measure, what code you have already tried, etc. Have you looked at any of the example programs? Have you tried the DAQ Assistant? Have you taken the LabVIEW tutorial? Have you done anything at all?

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Message 4 of 6

i got 2 proximity sensor for frequency measurement and 1 potansiometer for displacement measurement... i tried to use daq asistant but i failed ... i wired the daq assistant block to a graph block and then let it run but it measures just for a 1 second instead of continues mode..  i click to run buton and get a result for 1 second , then it stops by itself... i couldnt make it to measure continuesly... i thought that i need some extra block connections so i looked up some samples but it seems so complex for me to understand.. 

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Message 5 of 6

If you're completely new to using DAQ devices with LabVIEW, I would recommend you try and go through some of our tutorials online. Here is a link to our "Getting Started with NI-DAQmx" series to get you pointed in the right direction:


A lot of good examples can also be found either in the example finder (hardware input and output >> DAQmx) or online in the Developer Zone.    

Applications Engineer
National Instruments
CLD Certified
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Message 6 of 6