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generate sync parameters


      Im using FSK modulation for the USRP Comunication and I want to use the Generate Sync Parameters.VI. I'd like to know how does it work, specialy if the secuence of bits for the sync is a secuence that  we should send at the begining of the comunication or this secuence is a part of the message that I m sending. For example:
  if i use a sync secuence 111   my message should be for example :

-sync bits + data message   OR - first message: sync message  and the rest of messages the data


If somebody could help me i`ll be grateful





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Message 1 of 3

Hi jrojascatalan,


The MT Generate Synchronization Parameters VI generates a cluster of synchronization parameters that are meant to be wired directly into the demodulation VI. That synchronization parameters cluser will avoid the phase ambiguity at the demulator, allowing the recovery of the message bits. In the following images you can find the information from the LabVIEW help documentation where you can see details of the specific function and each one of its inputs and outputs. 


forum FSK MT.png




Addtionally, if you would like further guidence regarding the function usage, you can also go and check some of our examples at <Modulation>\niScope examples\MT niScope Bursted


Hope that you could find this information helpful!




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Message 2 of 3

yes, i all ready read the description of the module, but my doubt is if i want to implement a transmisor with the syncronization parameters defined in the receptor, the bits of sync should be in each message sent or it should be only one message with the secuence defined in the receptor at the beginning of the comunication?.

Thanks for the answer, i hope you could help me

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