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imaq read image myrio, cant find location

hey there, now i have a project to find object using geometric pattern through myrio 1900 and that task need a template image, i have vi can do it in labview computer but if i using myrio it say unindentified location, please help me i dont know anymore to ask. thanks


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Message 1 of 8



What or wherein the code is that you get the message "unidentified location"? Are you using the same USB 2.0 camera when running the VI on the PC and on the MyRIO?

Where is the template image being saved?



0 Kudos
Message 2 of 8

Hi, thanks for reply.

the message appear in imaq read file, so i guess, myrio cant read data from computer. and yes, im using usb cam 2.0 and plug into myrio usb.

the template i save in mycomputer, in labview data. 

sorry for late late reply but i really need your help.



0 Kudos
Message 3 of 8

Code running on the myRIO can only access files on the myRIO, not on your PC. 

Move the file to myRIO for it to access the file.

0 Kudos
Message 4 of 8


thank you for your help. now i have try your solution and now i didnt get the error messages but the image not showing after running. do you have another solution?



0 Kudos
Message 5 of 8

How do you run it? 

What do you run? 


Remember that the myRIO do not have any front panel. 

myRIO is and should be a standalone computer with no screen. 


If you need to display any data from the myRIO, you need to send the data to a runing vi on your host PC. 

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Message 6 of 8

hi, i run it in myrio, i run exactly same thing, i guess myrio can process it. but if like you say, im gonna change my program. is that imposible to myrio run my program?

0 Kudos
Message 7 of 8

I can't tell anything about your code, as you have not uploaded your project to the forum. (The complete project, with all files need) 

But the myRIO should be able to run a pretty big advanced program if you program it correct. 

I have build some advanced robot programs that send a lot of data back to host PC. 

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Message 8 of 8