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install software on ni-9024

Hello all,


I am new to working with LabVIEW, and I am currently attempting to install software onto a Compact RIO NI-9024 under LabVIEW 8.6.0 on Windows 7 x64.  I have installed LV, the Real-Time module, and the cRIO device drivers DVD (to the best of my knowlege, at least); however, when I attempt to install software to the cRIO in MAX, I get an error that LabVIEW RT is not installed.  I've gone back and made sure that the Real-Time module is installed and also installed the cRIO device drivers from the LV 8.6.0 DVD set (which, I don't have immediate access to, since they are the University's copy).  I am able to access the controller, and I have been able to successfully format the controller's disk in an attempt to get matching versions of software installed.


Am I missing something obvious, or is this a glitch in Windows 7 that I will end up waiting on the IT department to get LV2009 so that I can continue?


Thanks in advance for any help.


Here is what MAX is showing for my currently installed software on the laptop I'm trying this from:


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Message 1 of 5

Well first thing to note is LabVIEW 8.6 is not tested or supported on Windows 7.  It might work, but no guarantees. 


I am confused though.  You say you get the error when you try installing software on the controller, but then later you say you have successfully gotten software installed on the controller.  So when are you getting the error?


Also, are you sure that you installed the software in the right order.  You must install LabVIEW First, then any modules/toolkits, and then all drivers in the END.  If you installed drivers before the RT module, NI-RIO will think that RT is not installed, even though MAX will show it. 

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Message 2 of 5

I have not successfully gotten software installed on the controller (I've only managed to format it and set the IP address), thus my problem.  When I attempt to install the software to the controller, I get the error after selecting the software I want installed (the default NI recommended software sets are greyed out, so I went the custom route) and hit the next button to install it to the controller.  It brings up a dependencies dialog with all the versions of the software I selected and claim they all require LabVIEW RT (8.5 or 8.6, depending on the particular module).


I had to manually install labview and the modules to the computer by installing from the individual distribution folders on the DVDs.  I used the main labview DVD first, then the module DVDs, then the NI Device Driver DVD that came with the cRIO.


The interesting thing about Windows 7 is that the internal version numbers from Microsoft actually number it right around Vista SP2, instead of an entire new kernel line, yet hardly anything that was Vista compatible works right natively in 7.

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Message 3 of 5

Hello Alston,


The 9024 requires LV 2009 and RIO 3.2.1 so you will definitely need to upgrade to use your controller.


Let me know if you have any other questions,



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Message 4 of 5
That's the answer I was afraid of.  I'll get with our IT folks and see what I can pull off.  We're supposed to be getting LV2009 at some point.  Thanks.
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Message 5 of 5