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locking front panel in a event triggering to open subVI in a panel in the front panel



I am currently working upgrading a software, the software was designed having a state machine with a while loop and a case structure, and also with event handling inside one case. But now I am having problems when trying to upgrade this, because before in the event handler there were subVIs popping up, I am changing that structure and I have created a sub panel in my front panel, so now there won't be any subVI popping up, but just being displayed in the sub panel in my front panel.


The problem is that when I tried to run the software, everything got frozen, after a while I came up with the solution of disabling the lock front panel option in the event case. Still I do NOT want the user to be able to access the front panel while there is a subVI being displayed in the sub panel, I "patched" it disabling the button in the front panel with their properties and enabling them after the sub panel was cleared.


But I don't know, I think there must be a good way for achieving this functionality.


Do you know why the lock front panel option in the event case freezes everything?

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Message 1 of 4

Hi Alejandromxl. I'm attaching an example of how to disable every control in the front panel directly from the subpanel. It uses the same method you described but this should be slightly more friendly.


As for the event structure. When you enable that option what it does is that it freezes every control/indicator in the front panel while the Event Case is executing. This is done to ensure you do not duplicate events while one is already being processed.



Aldo H
Ingenieria de Aplicaciones
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Message 2 of 4

Hi Aldo, thanks for your answer, I tried to open the examples you gave me, but I couldn't, I'm currently using labview 7.1, do you think you can save them that way?



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Message 3 of 4

Unfortunately I don´t have a LV Version able to save VI´s for 7.1, but I´m attaching you an image of both VIs.

Aldo H
Ingenieria de Aplicaciones
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