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myRIO templates are not showing up

Hi everyone.  I'm a new myRIO user, and I'm trying to install the myRIO software on my home computer.  My problem is that the templates that I need aren't showing up, and I'm wondering what I need to do to get them installed.  


Just to be clear, this is what my screen looks like when I select 'create project' in NI Labview 2014: 


no template.JPG


And this is what I need it to look like: 


yes template.JPG


Can anyone tell me what I need to do to get these templates installed?  I've already installed the Labview 2014 myRIO toolkit, by the way.


Additionally, what is the difference between using a myRIO template and just creating a blank project?  I assume the template isn't strictly necessary for myRIO operation, but how much work does having the template save?



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Message 1 of 4


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Message 2 of 4

This is probably an obvious question - but you did install the myRIO toolkit after installing LabVIEW, right? Do you have LabVIEW real-time installed?


No - there's no real difference between creating a 'myRIO project' and a 'blank project' other than it automatically adds the myRIO target to the project and creates the directory for the project etc. - I think it might even have a default 'main' VI for the myRIO.


Do you have the myRIO palettes correctly installed (when you create a VI on the myRIO target and open the block diagram palette)? If the toolkit didn't install correctly then perhaps they might not have been installed correctly either. 


I would perhaps try a reinstall/repair of the myRIO toolkit.

LabVIEW Champion, CLA, CLED, CTD
Message 3 of 4

Are your Getting Started window showing myRIO or is it just LabVIEW?



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Message 4 of 4