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protocol buffer




Im intrested in using Googles "Protocol Buffer" function.

Is this possible with Labview?


If not, does anyone know a way to connect to an interfacing software in Java or similar to do the conversion?


Thanks for any information.

0 Kudos
Message 1 of 7

Just add a link to the description of the format

0 Kudos
Message 2 of 7

sucram77, did you figure this out?  We've started to use them but I can't seem to find an easy way to get from the .proto files to usable libraries without having our .net guys complie libraries.

Jonathan M. Slavic
Senior Staff Engineer
Mine Safety Appliances Co. (MSA)
0 Kudos
Message 3 of 7

I realize this is an ancient thread but I too, would like to use Google Protobuf on a Compact RIO.  I've got a cross compiler toolchain set up under linux (got it here) and can successfully compile DLLs for use on the Compact RIO, but cross compiling protobuf has been a bit of a challenge so far.  Is there any other solutions out there for using protobuf?

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Message 4 of 7

Has any of you figure out how to use protobuf in LabVIEW?  I too need to implement them as part of a new assignment at work.  I'm a seasoned LabVIEW user but totally new to protocol buffers.  Any assistance is greatly appreciated.

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Message 5 of 7

I managed to set up a cross compiling environment for vxworks, and compiled nanopb into a C DLL which I then used in the LabVIEW code.  I'm sorry I don't have a detailed set of instructions but hopefully those two links can get you going.  If I have time at some point I'll try to do a complete write up.

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Message 6 of 7

I want to communicate from a LabVIEW application (running on a cRIO 9039 Linux RT) to python and c++ applications using Protocol Buffers. (The messages are transferred through ZMQ).


Can anybody share some example code of the Protocol Buffers encoding and decoding in LabVIEW?


In order to take advantage of the auto-code generation, I was thinking of implementing the Protocol Buffer part in c/c++ (running on the cRIO) and then getting the parsed data into LabVIEW from there? Would that make sense? Has someone tried that approach?

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Message 7 of 7