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pyhon script

Hello everyone,

I started to use labpython with labview. I am aiming to use a large piece or code in python but I wanted to start with a simple that refuse to work for me.

When I put in the script a very simple thing like




it works but when I put

def C2F():
    print ('enter in C');
    cel = 20;
    print cel,'celcius =', feh, 'fehrenheit';

it does  not work(even it works fine in python shell).!!!

Can anyone help me to understand where is the error.



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Hello Again,

could anyone help me please.

Smiley Sad

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@ziedhosni wrote:

Hello Again,

could anyone help me please.

Smiley Sad

Probably not unfortunately.  I love Python too and wish I could integrate it with LabVIEW but it looks like Rolf K. (the original developer) has moved on to other things and hasn't touched it for a long time.  You may get it to work with 32-bit python 2.5 but unless OpenG or JKI has taken over active development you may be out of luck.  You can try some of the suggestions here:


Especially the one where you run the server VI alone, with no other LabPython VIs even open.


Good Luck!

LabVIEW Pro Dev & Measurement Studio Pro (VS Pro) 2019 - Unfortunately now moving back to C#, .NET, Python due to forced change to subscription model by NI. 8^{
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