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"NI microsoft visual C++ 2015 runtime" error during installation from an installer.

I built an installer for my labview program using labview 2017. When I try to use this installer on a window 7 sp1 machine, I ran into this error message:


"The "NI Microsoft Visual C++ 2015 Run-Time x86" installation has faild with return code:1.



This exact installer have worked on another computer with window 7 SP1. So I know the installer works.

I have tried the suggestion from this page:, but it didn't work. 

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Message 1 of 3

Hi edichen,


I think it may be helpful to look through the installation log file that is created when you try installing National Instrument's software.  We might be able to move forward with some of that information, since currently we only have a pretty vague error.

Tyler O.
Applications Engineer
National Instruments
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Message 2 of 3

Hi tobriant,


This is my log file, and the system is Win10. Could you please help me to find out the reason? Is there any way to solve this problem? 




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