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transmit image using zigbee

Hello i am working on a project and we want to transmit an image using ZigBee. The ZigBee modules that we will use are provided by "adaptive modules" (the link provided show the modules that we will use ).

Can you please tell me how i can start working and if you can provide me with a code in order to transfer something initial?

0 Kudos
Message 1 of 27




My name is Kevin I am an Application Engineer for NIUK. I understand you are after some information to get started with your project. I am assuming you want to use LabVIEW to interact with this device.

My first question for you is have you read the user manual that came with the product?

The User manual begins by explaining how to configure your device and prepare it to communicate with your computer.


My next question is can you use a terminal program to send commands? If so doing this in LabVIEW is relatively straight forward.


Here is an example how to Read and Write through serial


In Summary
1. Read the user guide, to configure your hardware
2. Send commands through a terminal program to ensure hardware works
3. Open Measurement and Automation Explorer (MAX)
4. On the left hand side Expand Device and Interfaces >> Serial and Parallel
5. Right Click on the COM port your device is connected to and left click "Open VISA Test Panels" Here you can see if MAX can communicate with the device in the same way your terminal software did.
5. Follow the LabVIEW example VI



This will allow you to send basic serial data. To send an image you will have to convert your image down to an array. I would advise doing more research in this area once you have established basic communication.



All the best with your project. Post back here to let me know how you got on




Kind Regards

Kevin R
Applications Engineer
National Instruments UK&Ireland
Message 2 of 27

Thanks a lot Kevin its very helpful. I will let you know soon about my progress.

0 Kudos
Message 3 of 27

I have done the above steps that you told me and it was very helpful. I would like to ask now, since i have two ZigBee modules i want the one to act as a sender and the other as a receiver how i can perform this from two computers. I mean i want to send it from one computer and then to be able to preview what i send from another laptop. Is this possible? If yes, how please


0 Kudos
Message 4 of 27

Hi , 


I would just like to clarify your question.

You have 2 computers

You would like one to transmit (write) some data

and the other to receive (Read) that data.


Is this correct?


If so you will need to configure the Zigbees on both computers as per the user manual. The manual also goes through how to configure the Zigbees so they can communicate with each other. 


Once you have established this connection. In LabVIEW you will be able to read and write to the different ports. 



Let me know how you get on 



Kind Regards

Kevin R
Applications Engineer
National Instruments UK&Ireland
0 Kudos
Message 5 of 27

What about the LabVIEW code. How i can send it using LabVIEW and automatically receive it using LabVIEW? Can you provide me or explain to me how i can write this code.



0 Kudos
Message 6 of 27



Once you have established communication between the 2 Zigbees it is simple, I will explain:


PC  A -> Zigbee A   --------->    Zigbee B -> PC B


PC A is running LabVIEW, you perform a serial write to the port that Zigbee A is attached to. 


The communication has already been configured as per the manual. Zigbee A and Zigbee B are "Paired"


PC B performs a serial read from the port Zigbee B is connected to and there for reading the transmitted data. 


I hope this is clearer. So the LabVIEW code will be the same as the example I previously sent. Run the example VI on both PC's. PC A will Write and PC B will read.



Let me know how you get on 



Kind Regards

Kevin R
Applications Engineer
National Instruments UK&Ireland
0 Kudos
Message 7 of 27

It's work thanks a lot!

0 Kudos
Message 8 of 27



That's great news that you have been successful in getting everything up and running. 


Unless you have any further questions I would like to wish you all the best with your application 



Kind Regards




Kevin R
Applications Engineer
National Instruments UK&Ireland
0 Kudos
Message 9 of 27

Hello Kevin,


I really appreciate your help, i would like to ask you if you can help me now with my main target. My main target is to succesfully transfer (and preview) images from my laptop to another using LabVIEW and ZigBee. Can you please give me some help or some steps for that also?


Thanks in advance for the help


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Message 10 of 27