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waveform chart/graph scale

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I have 1 meter construction and i have to scan it for electromagnetic fields.

The user have an option to choose the range he wants to scan. I.E. he can choose to scan only the range from 20cm to 50 cm.

I chose to use waveform chart because i need the measurements to be displayed in "live".

So I want to configure X scale to be from 20 cm to 50 cm only! with steps that are also chosen by the user.

The problem is that waveform chart has buffer memory so even if I configure offset and multiply by property nodes as needed, it doesn't work well for me if I make more than 1 scan (offset and multiply nodes are set before every scan.


What can I do? 



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Message 1 of 5
Accepted by topic author Tacchi

Could this help?


X Scale range.png


If no, please try to elaborate. It is sometimes hard to understand what the problem really is being a non-native English speaker 🙂


While evaluating my code please have in mind that I am a LV novice. Therefore sometimes my code might violate some coding rules that I have to learn about myself. But how else could I do that... 🙂

Chart zoom with "Mouse Over" effect
Message 2 of 5


I've already found this solution: history property node

0 Kudos
Message 3 of 5
but, what does it mean (strict) in your property nodes? mine don't look like yours 🙂
0 Kudos
Message 4 of 5

The property node with the (strict) in it is an artifact of using the VI snippet tool.  The property node was directly linked to the waveform chart.  But the creation of the snippet caused it to be disconnected and have a reference to the waveform wired in it.  Nothing you need to worry about.  You can delete the reference wire and right click on the property node and link it to the waveform chart directly again.


You should mark Giedrius' reply as the solution rather than your own thank you message.  If you go to the options menu to the upper right of your message, you will be able to unmark your message as the solution.  Then you will be able to properly click on the Solution icon that is within Giedrius' message.

Message 5 of 5