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waveform charts slowed down control system while loop


In my application, I have control system which i acquire data, process and output the result. I placed some waveform charts in the while loop where i acquire data, process and output. This made while loop to miss data points( late). Is this because waveform charts store data as time passes?

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Message 1 of 2

Waveform charts store data in a history buffer of configurable size. You can change it to a smaller number.


  • What is the size of the history buffer?
  • How many charts are you updating in your loop?
  • What else is happening in your loop?
  • How are you updating them (wire, local variable, value property, etc).
  • How fast is your loop rate?
  • Are your plots simple (thin lines) or fancy (e.g. large dots and thick lines)?
  • Is autoscaling on or off?
  • Are the charts set to "synchronous display" by accident?
  • How many traces are on your chart?
  • What is your LabVIEW version?
  • What is your OS?
  • Do you have overlapping elements on the front panel?


Could you attach a simplified version of your code so we have a better idea what you're actually doing?

Message 2 of 2