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why does LabVIEW8 popup error message after i use Visual Source Safe as its sourc control?

i'm trying LabVIEW8.0 trial version now. and i set Visual Source Safe as its sourc control, just setting like following picture.
but since then, LabVIEW8 always popups error message dialogue even when it starts up.
it confuses me, for it runs well while i use LabVIEW6.1 before.
following is some message dailogue.

帖子被longzhi在04-03-2006 07:36 AM时编辑过了

Too much works make Longzhi a Tom.
Thanks god, the weekend is coming.
And my lovers are always here with me.
Anything better? ^_^
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Message 1 of 31
I had a similar situation occur to me. Basically it was due to the fact that I had set up source code control in LV8 as a trial, forgot that I had it on, and then I had deleted the working directory or something. LV got all confused and I had to basically set the source code control to "None", tell it to go ahead and accept that configuration (that deletes the three entries in the labview.ini file related to source code control), and then set it back to SourceSafe and set up the project and working directory. Real clumsy, but then LabVIEW's interface for source code control isn't all that great to begin with, which is why I use the external SourceSafe client. I eventually turned off source code control inside of LabVIEW.
Message 2 of 31

hi, smercurio…
i've tried your way. but it doesn't work. 😞
but your idea helps me. i've tried some times and it's OK now.  thank you. 🙂
here are my steps. ( is it right? )

1. start LabVIEW.
2. Tools >> Options >> Source Control.  select source control provider name as my microsoft VSS.  no error message.
3. Then set my source control as None. a warning dialogue popup, "You have selected not to use any source control provider". Yes to continue.
4. exit LabVIEW
5. edit LabVIEW.INI. delete the part of source control. ( like the attached picture).

6. Start LabVIEW. and reset the source control as normal.

  Bingo! it's OK. 🙂

帖子被longzhi在04-03-2006 08:39 PM时编辑过了

Too much works make Longzhi a Tom.
Thanks god, the weekend is coming.
And my lovers are always here with me.
Anything better? ^_^
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Message 3 of 31

if only do setup5, it doesn't fix.
if only do setup1~4, it doesn't fix also. Smiley Surprised

Too much works make Longzhi a Tom.
Thanks god, the weekend is coming.
And my lovers are always here with me.
Anything better? ^_^
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Message 4 of 31
I had also looked at editing the labview.ini file and I had initially tried this. I did not mention it simply because I couldn't get it to work. Apparently, LV8 seems to store the information someplace else because even if I edited the file manually, after starting LV8 it would change the values back to what they were before! This made no sense, but I didn't really care because like I said, I've found the source code control inside of LV to be fairly unreliable. So, I did the method I mentioned in my post and that seemed to work for me. I now have it turned off.
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Message 5 of 31
From the initial post, I noted in the picture that there was a problem when initially trying to connect to Visual SourceSafe. There was an issue reported regarding a problem configuring source control in LabVIEW after there was a connection problem. It was found that there was a bug during this condition and a corrective action was filed regarding this bug. For now, the way to correct the problem is to go into the LabVIEW.ini file and remove the following tokens: SCCConfigData, SCCProviderName, SCCProviderLocation. You need to do this when LabVIEW is not running because LabVIEW updates the ini file when it closes. When you remove the tokens, the next time you launch LabVIEW, source control will not be enabled. You can then configure LabVIEW for your new settings.
Beyond this issue, what other behaviors have given the impression that source control in LabVIEW is "unreliable"?
George M
National Instruments
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Message 6 of 31
I don't know if this is the bug that's described in the corrective action, but the particular problem I encountered was when the working directory was deleted. In my case I had LV set up for source code control for a project. Somewhere along the way I had deleted the copy on my local drive. The next time I started LV8 it gave me that error message. There was no real connection issue with SourceSafe. When I looked in the LabVIEW.ini file I saw it was probably because of the fact that the working directory wasn't there anymore. However, when I went into the options dialog to set up source code control, the "Provider Name" pull down was set to "<None>", even though there were values in the .ini file. Even if you clicked OK in that dialog (which presumably saved the options) and quit LabVIEW, the LabVIEW.ini file was *not* updated and so the bad keys were still in there.

As for the "unreliable" comment, I mean just that. Half the time I simply couldn't get it to work right. That, and the fact that you could not switch projects easily simply led me to the conclusion of not even bothering with it and simply using the SourceSafe client directly. It was much easier and worked every time. Perhaps my experience is the exception.
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Message 7 of 31
What you described is the problem exactly. Changing any of the source control configuration information (ex. the working directory) will cause this problem. The bug is that LabVIEW does not handle this gracefully. It's unfortunate that this experience has left a bad taste regarding source control in LabVIEW. I would suggest that, now knowing that this issue exists, you try the integration again since there are LabVIEW options such as checking out a file on edit that you don't get via the external tool. Thank you for your time and I hope your experience is better in the future.
George M
National Instruments
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Message 8 of 31

I have encountered a very similar problem, unfortunately, the solution in this thread will not work...Bah!

The problem - I start up LV 8, Source Control settings are set to None. I change them to VSS, provide all login information, life is now good and I can proceed to open a project, check in, out.

However, once I exit LV 8, these settings are lost, so that when I restart, I'm back to None.

One of my colleagues ran into a similar problem. NI recommended he uninstall all NI products, clean the registry, reinstall. This fixed his problem. Yesterday, another colleague ran into the problem I'm describing here. It happened after we managed to crash LV 8 by running some of our lousy code.

I then set to work on my machine (ok - I didn't say it was a smart thing to do) to reproduce the failure. Unfortunately I could not get the problem on my machine. Even more unfortunately, I decided to try just one more time. That did it!

I've uninstalled and re-installed, and tried the recommendation in this thread to no avail. Any thoughts?



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Message 9 of 31
Things to check:
1. Source control configuration data is stored in the LabVIEW.ini file. Search that file for these entries: SCCConfigData, SCCProviderName, SCCProviderLocation. If they are not present in the file, then source control will not be enabled in LabVIEW.
2. If the ini entries are missing, go ahead and launch LabVIEW and configure source control again. After you exit the Option dialog, open the LabVIEW.ini file and verify the above entries are present. Go ahead and close the ini file and exit LabVIEW. After LabVIEW closes, open the LabVIEW.ini file again and verify the entries are still present. If they are, then launch LabVIEW and verify that source control works properly.
3. In the case you described, when you come back again to the Options page after you configured and it says "None", is there any additional text on the options page stating that there was a problem connecting to the provider?
George M
National Instruments
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Message 10 of 31