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why does LabVIEW8 popup error message after i use Visual Source Safe as its sourc control?

I did not mean to imply the issue was reolved. I was just glad I wasn't going crazy! LabVIEW interfaces to VSS via a DLL that supports the Microsoft SCC interface. LabVIEW calls into that DLL which then goes off and does whatever it needs to do to work. LabVIEW is not explicitly storing/setting anything in the registry. The calls made to the individual providers may do registry setting or other actions but LabVIEW has no control over that. So odd as it may seem, just because the VSS client is running, doesn't mean that the calls into the VSS databases are going through that same mechanism. So, I'm not sure how password information is set. I believe that options set in the VSS client such apply to the MS SCC DLL VSS has. I don't know enough about VSS to be able to tell you one way or the other. I would suggest making sure VSS is the latest. Beyond that, I would see if there is any help Microsoft might have for this issue. Sorry I can't be more helpful at this point.
George M
National Instruments
0 Kudos
Message 21 of 31

I'm going to attempt to re-install VSS. Will let you know how I make out.

Really appreciate all the support. I still can't figure out where the password is stored.


0 Kudos
Message 22 of 31
I noticed that in your config data (fredb;"$/CRS Test Exec", SLFAAAAA;C:\AAATESTEXECHOME;\\usdanrmmd1ms018\mfgvss\Mfg_Eng_Vss,) there is a comma at the end of the VSS database path (\usdanrmmd1ms018\mfgvss\Mfg_Eng_Vss,). It might be a longshot, but try removing the comma and see if this helps.

George M
National Instruments
Message 23 of 31

That would have been an amazing find - but - sniff - I still get <none> on startup with the notes at the bottom.

Thanks for sticking with this problem. As I understand it, the problem is in a DLL provided by Microsoft. As soon as I can, I will uninstall LV and VSS, and check out the registry, re-install, and will post an update here. I won't be able to do this for at least another couple of weeks. For now, the workaround (logging in each time I start up Labview) works fine. Personally, I have found that the integration with SCC is extremely helpful and would not want to go back to working w/o it.

0 Kudos
Message 24 of 31
Hello Fred,

did you solved this issue yet?
A colleague of mine is suffering the same (though I can use VSS whithout a problem!)

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Nederlandse LabVIEW user groep
My LabVIEW Ideas

LabVIEW, programming like it should be!
0 Kudos
Message 25 of 31

Hi TonP

Your question prompted me to get off my duff and install Visual Source Safe 2005. The bad news is that the symptoms did  not change.

The other bad news is that another member of my team got himself a brand new system, installed LV8,Installed VSS 6.0d, configured in into LV, and it broke immediately.

I am guessing that the problem is caused by a bad registry entry. This only because NI has stated that they don't store the password, and when it worked, I was never prompted for a password - so either VSS is allowing programmatic access w/o a password (doubtful) or someone is storing it somewhere.

I will (soon - honest!) uninstall, clean the registry, re-install, and see what effect that has.

I still use VSS integrated into labview- just go through the 30 seconds to log in each time I start up. From my perspective, well worth it.

If you (or anyone else) comes up with a work around - please post!



0 Kudos
Message 26 of 31
Hello Fred,

thanks for your reply. To clear one misunderstanding, we don't have a password protected VSS. So this the storage of this can't be the problem.

Free Code Capture Tool! Version 2.1.3 with comments, web-upload, back-save and snippets!
Nederlandse LabVIEW user groep
My LabVIEW Ideas

LabVIEW, programming like it should be!
0 Kudos
Message 27 of 31

The Amazing Lesley strikes again.

She just send me the following link....

In VSS, I added a new user (name to coincide with my PC login, no password).

In LV, from the getting started screen, I went to tools>source control>configure source control and set it up with the defaults (login name, no password).

Got out of LV. Re-Ran labview, and.....

it re-established the connection!

So - while I'm not happy that I can't password protect the account, it is good to not have to go through the hassle each time I need to re-start LV.

Go Lesley!

0 Kudos
Message 28 of 31
You may have to open up the Labview.ini file and remove the entries tagged with the SCC fields shown below.
Then run Labview, and configure Source Control as detailed in the previous post.
This step was required in order for the solution to work for one of my colleagues.
This has now been tested with VSS 6.0 as well as with VSS 8.0 (I believe this is aka 2005)
Message 29 of 31
Just to reiterate, LabVIEW does not store any SourceSafe password information. Password management is the responsibility of the source control provider. Further investigation determined that this problem was also found when working with LabWindows/CVI. While this tends to point to an issue with SourceSafe, I could not find any document on Microsoft's website about this specific issue.
George M
National Instruments
0 Kudos
Message 30 of 31