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ActiveX DTPicker

I'm using the DTPicker ActiveX Control in a UIR display to let user choose their date.
I'm using LabWindows CVI 8.0 base package and WindowsXP. On my work computer the application run OK.
On the customer computer the LabWindows CVI 8.0 base package and WindowsXP are installed too. Half-year I execute the compilation sometimes on my computer sometimes on the customer computer. The application runtime was running OK.
Now I made a little modification in the uir-panel (not in DTPicker control) and tested on my computer - all OK. But I came without uir-header-file to customer. On custoner computer I made a little change in uir-panel to create new uir-header-file. Now by application start in develop area I can't load the uir panel and message is generated:
Error in call to LoadPanel.
Parent Panel Handle: 0
UIR File Name:  full file name
Panel Resource ID: 1
Error code: -143
ActixeX control error
Files Mscomct2.ocx  on my and customer computer have identical versions. In the C-file the panel loading is half-year without modification. Have you any experience? On my work computer the application run OK.
Thank you very much for your opinions.
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Message 1 of 4
Hi Jarodslav,
I would double-check that the ActiveX control you are using in your application is registered on this machine. You can use regsvr32.exe command to re-register it.

David Goldberg
National Instruments
Software R&D
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Message 2 of 4
Yesterday I came back from the customer. I used the re-registration (regsvr32) and made the uir-file change from an older functional version again. Now my application is running. Thank for the suggestion.
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Message 3 of 4

Hi David,


I've successfully implemented (thanks to this thread) the DTPicker in a CVI app for wireless SCADA.

To further streamline use of the DTPicker I would like to invoke it by pressing any of several command buttons. This, rather than just clicking on the control itself. Doing so would allow a single instance of the DTPicker control and conditional use of the data acquired from it depending on which button triggered it.

Is there a way to do this? Your help is greatly appreciated.


Kevin Montcalm

Marshall, TX

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Message 4 of 4