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Application error (0xc0000005)

All of my attempts to generate a crashdump have failed. Smiley Sad... Sorry. All other applications (of .exe type) are functioning ok. only when I attempt to run LabWindows CVI or CVI generated programs do I have this error... something to do with the CVI RTE I assume.



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Message 11 of 23

OK... I finally got the 2009 CD installed on our software server and reinstalled the 2009 version of CVI... now all is working again. EVEN if I run the 9.0.1 version as well... (? What tha.....?) so the 2009 beta uninstall kind of wacked everything.


Go Figure... I'm back up and working... FYI.




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Message 12 of 23
I'm glad you got everything up and running, when you reinstalled, did you uninstall and reinstall, or just repair? I'm currious incase someone else runs into the same issue, so we can give them a recommendation.
Richard S -- National Instruments -- (former) Applications Engineer -- Data Acquisition with TestStand
0 Kudos
Message 13 of 23

I left everything where it was, 9.0.1 installed along with device drivers (of Aug2009). I installed 2009 and nothing else. What realy gets me is the 9.0.1 CVI package now works! So something in the Un-install of the beta 2009 had to mess something up in the CVI connection to windows... Hope this gives enough info to the beta install team to what broke...




0 Kudos
Message 14 of 23

Hi Chip,


That kind of makes sense, actually. If the problem was in the CVI run-time engine installation, then it would affect all versions of CVI that you have installed in this system. And by fixing/upgrading the run-time engine (which is installed when you install CVI 2009), then you also fix all versions of CVI.



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Message 15 of 23

Agree, but un-installing and -reinstalling CVI 9.0.1 (with a reboot inbetween each process step) should have fixed the problem, but didn't... something in the Beta un-install removed something needed to communicate with windows that 9.0.1 did not install, until I installed the 2009 released version. I think it is a marketing trap to force an upgrade or else... 😉 HA! I suppose a registry error could explain but I don't have that software at my disposal  nor do I want to purchase just for that.




0 Kudos
Message 16 of 23

Marketing trap... that's brilliant. I wish we had thought of that Smiley Happy


Okay, joking aside, I promise there was no such thing. And we do anticipate betas being flaky, which why there's a scary looking warning in the beta readme recommending that you not install the beta version on a development computer.

Having said that, I really don't know what could have happened in this case. It's entirely possible that, whatever it was, the problem persisted even as you uninstalled CVI 9.0.1 and then reinstalled it. This is because uninstalling the CVI ADE, whichever version it is, might not remove the CVI Run-Time Engine, since there might be other NI software in your computer that still requires it. You can always go to your Add/Remove Programs and explicitly try to uninstall the RTE, at which point it should tell you if there is any other software that depends on it. It's entirely possible that the "bad" beta RTE remained around, and only when you upgraded it did the problem go away. Now that the problem is gone there's really no way to know for sure, but that's probably what happened.


Finally, keep in mind, in case something something like this happens in the future, that you can always download and install any version of the CVI RTE for free.


Anyway, sorry about all the hassle...



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Message 17 of 23

I was tempted... to get the Debuger RTE but too much to do and plenty of other PC with working CVI to get on and do the REAL work. My IT group threatened to wipe & reload XP Smiley Indifferent restore from back-up all of the DB stuff and try to get back to where it left off, ya know, the process that never ends, that was my only out. So I am thankful.


Back to your point, I am not sure any of the NI CVIRTE was left in, because when I uninstall something, I choose all and remove all of the NI items in the remove programs list. Upon reboot of the PC notifies me about new hardware, PCMCIA GPIB+ card stuff in the side of the laptop, and the compiled programs don't work... missing RTE and the sort... um, did ya see the modules loaded list that pointed back to windows? Some file called mscftime.ime. On the functioning systems, the next module to load is the mesa.dll. The Order column skips 30, mscftime.ime is 29 and mesa.dll is 31. As you pointed out, it is working so not much of a chance to find the fault now.

No matter the risk, I am still a Beta supporter... it is my fronter, to go where no-one has gone before... Smiley Wink


Thanks for the support!



0 Kudos
Message 18 of 23

Hey, I look in that special directory called Dr Watson and a dump appeared... not sure when because I did not get the usual MS prompt to ask if I was going to share this with Microsoft... it just appeared, I know, scary, but here it is anyway. I zipped it up and placed it on the incoming server called  no hurry though becaus 9.1.0 is working fine.




0 Kudos
Message 19 of 23

Hi Chip,


I wasn't able to open the zip file. WinZip reports that it's corrupted  ("start of central directory  not found; Zip file corrupt. Possible cause: file transfer error").


Is it possible that there was some problem when you uploaded it?



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Message 20 of 23