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CVI 2009 Will not Launch



This has just happened to me  


I have created the debug log file  which I have tried to add to my reply but something prevents this from working


Do you have an alternative method for getting the log file to you ?


Tried the fix suggested by Mark  it did not work


Will try a complete clean and re install tomorrow





0 Kudos
Message 11 of 18

Hey Colin -


You can put the log on our ftp site located at  Let me know the name of the file and I'll pull it down and take a look.



National Instruments

0 Kudos
Message 12 of 18


Hi Nick


Thanks for the quick reply  FTP is even harder  with out firewalls  but i know a way 


I have managed to up load the file  the file name is colinr-CVIDebugLog.txt


anything you can find will be a help as a compleat removeal of all NI software and re install with take most of a day to complete and i am not looking forward to it. Any way as it is gone 6pm in the uk now this will have to wait untill tommorow.





0 Kudos
Message 13 of 18

Hey Colin -


The log doesn't tell us quite enough information to know why the crash is occuring.  However, if you could send us the registry key that is responsible for storing all environment options, I think we could get a little closer.  I know it's not the answer you were looking for, but we would really like to find out why more people are running into this issue - so if you could export the key HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\National Instruments\CVI\9.1 and put it on the ftp site or attach it here before you reinstall tomorrow, I would really appreciate it.


Thanks, and sorry for the inconvenience,



National Instruments

0 Kudos
Message 14 of 18




I have exported the regestary key  as requested and put the file on the FTP site

file name    colinr-CVI9_1 reg file.reg


Hope this helps


please can you keep us informed on what you find and any solution other than a complete re install.





0 Kudos
Message 15 of 18


Hey Colin,


I haven't nailed down the exact cause yet, but there appears to be some type of corruption in the windows sizes that we store in the registry. To make sure this is indeed the culprit, could you please try the following:


  • run the LabWindows/CVI Import/Export Settings tool (Start»All Programs»National Instruments»LabWindows/CVI 2009»tools»Import-Export Settings)
  • Save your current settings to a file - so they can be imported later (Copy settings from: CVI 2009 - Apply settings to: File)
  • Revert all settings for CVI 2009
  • Try launching CVI again
  • If it launches, you can try importing the previous settings from the file you exported to CVI 2009.  I would do it in pieces, because the culprit is likely stored in the file you exported.  If I had to guess, I would think you could safely import everything but the "General Environment Settings" node and the "Window Positions" node.

We'll continue to investigate how you got into this state with the information we are able to clean from your registry settings.


Let me know if this doesn't take care of it for you -


National Instruments

0 Kudos
Message 16 of 18

Hi Nick


Resetting the settings back the the default setting fixed the install and cvi 2009 started up with out issues

I reloaded all of the settings back in in stages and can confirm that when I tried to load the windows positions settings back  cvi stopped loading. 

All other settings imported  with out any issue.



I have up loaded the exported settings file onto the ftp site in just incase this may help with your investigations.

Filename colinr-CVI2009 settings.xml



Thanks for all of your help  on this 




0 Kudos
Message 17 of 18

After a little more investigation, the issue that has been reported in this thread is the result of bad logic concerning the restoration of window sizes when launching LabWindows/CVI.  When CVI is closed with a small window height that falls within a particular range, this bad logic is exposed and LabWindows/CVI will no longer open.


This issue can be resolved by either following the steps listed above with the Import/Export Settings tool (you really only need to revert the "Window Positions" option), or by deleting the HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\National Instruments\CVI\9.1\WindowPositions registry key.


This issue has been reported with bug ID 239396.



National Instruments

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Message 18 of 18