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CVI SQL Toolkit installation

I am trying to compile in Labwindows/CVI 2015 a project which require the file CVI_db.h.


I am not able to find it anywhere on my PC and when I am trying to install CVI SQL Toolkit 2.2 it stop because I have a higher version already install.


I can see that NI Labwindows/CVI SQL Toolkit Runtime 2.3 is install.


I have also TestStand 2016 install on that PC.


Where can I get this file and should I uninstall version 2.3 Runtime engine as require by the 2.2 version installer?

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Message 1 of 3


When installing TestStand 2016, the NI LabWindows/CVI SQL Toolkit Runtime 2.3 is also installed, whereas TestStand depends on it. Therefore, it is not possible to uninstall the SQL Toolkit Runtime without uninstalling TestStand as well.

As to not being able to install CVI SQL Toolkit 2.2, having already a higher runtime version installed, it is expected behavior.

Furthermore, it is not possible to uninstall TestStand, install CVI SQL Toolkit 2.2 and then reinstall TestStand. Installing CVI SQL Toolkit Runtime 2.3, having already CVI SQL Toolkit 2.2 installed, will remove 2.2 completely.

You have to install NI LabWindows/CVI SQL Toolkit 2.3.

Message 2 of 3

Thank it answer all my questions.



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