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Can you Specify Executable to Debug in cvi 2006?

I'm trying to debug a labWindows program that is running on cvi 2006.  The run debug (shift F5) option is grayed out.


When I run the same code on 2009 I have "Run>Specify Executable to Debug" but I don't seem to have this option in cvi 2006.  Is this option available somewhere in 2006 or is there another option that will accomplish the same thing?



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There are a couple of things to note on your question.


1. Run >> Specify executable to debug feature of CVI2009 refers to building a DLL: the executable you specify is the one in charge of using the DLL. If you are creating a standalone executable you should not have this option active, otherwise follow the instructions on the online help on the available options for debugging DLLs


2. In CVI6 there isn't the Workspace concept and you can load a project only at a time; when you create a DLL you cannot directly debug it (that's why run command is grayed out). Instead, you must load the project that uses the DLL and you can debug it there. Look at "Different ways to debug DLLs" topic in CVI6 online help for informations on how to do this

Proud to use LW/CVI from 3.1 on.

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