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DiscardMenuItem fail error -11

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I have a menu that I created in the UI editor and placed on a panel.  I want to programatically remove menu items.  I get error -11 UIEInvalidMenuItemId.  I even tried removing the menu from the panel and loading the menu separately and I still get the error.  When that failed I triedI to set the dimmed atrribute.  That worked.


         iMenu = LoadMenuBar(iMainPnl, "140613.uir", MBR_BADGE);
        iTmp = DiscardMenuItem(iMenu, MBR_BADGE_MOTOR);

     iTmp = SetMenuBarAttribute(iMenu, MBR_BADGE_MOTOR, ATTR_DIMMED, TRUE);


CVI 2012 SP1

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This behavior looks correct to me: you can delete menu items or submenus, not menus, that is you need to pass at least a third-level id to the function (menuBarID_menuID_menuItemID or menuBarID_menuID_subMenuID). You can dim a whole menu, instead: every element from the menu that shows on the menu bar up to the last item is dimmed, including all submenus if they exist; other menus in the menu bar are left unchanged).

In your scenario, I suppose MBR is the menu bar ID and MBR_BADGR a menu ID. Menu items should be in the form MBR_BADGR_menuItemID.


By the way, error -1 means "the id passed was not a valid menu item id": you can obtain this descriptive string by calling GetGeneralErrorString passing the error number to it.

Proud to use LW/CVI from 3.1 on.

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Accepted by topic author mjl

Forgot to say that you can use DiscardMenu to delete a menu from the menu bar.

Proud to use LW/CVI from 3.1 on.

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Message 3 of 4

I was using the wrong command.  I see that my probem was that I thought the menu bar was the menu and didn't realize that each primary entry in the menu bar was a menu.


By the way, I was getting error -11 not -1.




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