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How to wait for a digital input to go high?

I bet the following question is explained somewhere but I don't know how to find it.


Is there an optimal way to wait for a digital input to transition from 0 to 1? I mean, other than creating a loop that continously polls the input line is there a better way to wait for the transition? With all the "event driven" capability of CVI I suspect there's a slick way to do this but I don't know how to find it. I'm willing to RTFM if I know where to look.



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I have never done this, but it looks like it is possible to use the DAQmxRegisterSignalEvent function to assign a function that will be called when a "change detection event" occurs.


It works on a task basis, so if I'm not mistaken, you need to put the digital to be tracked into a separate task. 


It is not stated if all NI hardware is compatible with this functionality, so try and see if it works for you.


Hope this helps,



Edit: It looks like you have already found the solution by yourself 😉

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