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Is Labwindows 4.0 compatible with 64 bit operating system?

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I have a very old CVI code for PCI 6030E which has been working on a windows xp 32bit pc. Recently the PCI card was installed on a new computer which has 64 bit windows 7 on it. The code does not work on the new pc. I was told that PCI 6030e cannot be run through a virtual pc, so the only option would be to partition the HDD and install windows xp. Does CVI 4.0 code work on a 64bit operating system? I guess the drivers may not be compatible. If not, is there a way to run the old cvi code on a new version of labwindows without having to rewrite it completely?



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Message 1 of 4

CVI 4.0 does not support Windows 7 nor does it support 64-bit.


If you are really desperate, you *might* be able to get the 32-bit version of CVI 4.0 it to run in Windows 7 64, if you run as administrator, or if you disable UAC. But his has not been tested, to my knowledge, and I'm not even sure whether the installer would work correctly, since that version of CVI used a very old installer technology that might no longer be supported in newer OSes.


A much better option would be to compile your old code in a current version of CVI. I don't see any reason why you'd have to rewrite the code.



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Message 2 of 4
Accepted by topic author sarathramadurgam

Hi Sarath,


I don't think that you are going to be in too much luck. I am assuming that your code was probably interfacing to your PCI 6030E device using Traditional DAQ, which is not supported on Windows 7 operating systems. You could upgrade to NI-DAQmx 9.1.1, which is supported on Windows 7 but this is going to require that you rewrite your code to convert to DAQmx commands.




DAQ Product Marketing Engineer
National Instruments
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Message 3 of 4

thank you for your suggestions. I tried compiling the code on CVI 2011. It gives errors (unknown function calls) while compiling, 'coz the CVI 4.0 doesnt support 64 bit DAQmx drivers. It was working on DAQmx 9.3 (32 bit) version in the older computer. I guess I will have to modify the code a bit.

Thanks a lot!

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Message 4 of 4